Sunday, April 26, 2009

Canrex 330

This is 3D Handmade Canrex Robot made out of aluminum. Only 3cm tall.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

鐵甲小寶之誕生! The Birth of Canbot!

大家有見過只得3.5厘米的全人手製的鐵甲機械人 ( CANBOT ) 嗎?設計師用了環保創意 ( RECYLE ),將汽水罐變成迷你得意的鐵甲機械人。設計師將鋁罐剪開後,運用了想像力及創意將鋁罐片小心地一塊塊剪開成不同形狀, 而鐵甲機械人的每個部份都是一個扣一個的,沒有用上螺絲或膠水。十分用心。每個鐵甲機械人都要花上數小時才完成, 由於鋁片只能摺一次,如當中有一塊斷了或裝鉗時有偏著差的話是要從頭開始再做,所以當中是十分花功夫的。好多時要做幾十個頭部才有一個會成功,所以當設計師做每一個步驟時都要很專心及有耐性。第一個鐵甲小寶在2006年誕生了!其後設計師更創造了鐵甲小恐龍 ( CANREX ) 及鐵甲小熊猫- 阿露 ( PANDA ALU ) 

The designer was inspired by the interaction of Art with Recycle. The Canbot is only 3.5cm tall but despite of its tiny size, it tries to make a huge statement to inspire life and promote recycle. The Canbot (Robot) , Panda Alu (Panda) and Canrex (dinosaur), combines the concept of origami and sculpture to create a figure that is built entirely using origami skills ( no screw and glue are involved) to create a 3-D object based on the shape of triangular prism. All Canbot is made from the soda can which is made of aluminum. Blending the graphics and colors of each soda can create unlimited versions of Canbot, Panda Alu and Canrex. 

Canbot is made from soda can is a sculpture bringing Art, Life Inspiration, and Recycle together. Also the use of soda can fit the idea of "Recycle". The designer hope, through the Canbot, Panda Alu or Canrex will remind people that the power of creativity could transform a valueless soda can into a valuable sculpture. 

Why is it so hard to make? Each canbot part was precisely cut from the Aluminum Plate from the soda can, and each folding can only be done ONCE because a repeated fold will crack the plate. 

Please check out our official website:

If you want to see my more latest Canbot design, please go to